
1. smartmovie,学生最易错的是哪些问题?



1. 不定冠词a,an的区别


It's an interesting movie.


There is an “h” in the word “hour”.




an umbrella,an unusual story,an unhappy boy,a university,a useful book




2. 有、无定冠词的区别

3. 序数词前面用定冠词与不定冠词的区别。

“the + 序数词”表示“第几……”;“a + 序数词”表示“又一,再一”。如:

You are so close to the answer. Try a second time.你很接近答案了,再试一次。

4. a number of与the number of

a number of意思是“许多”,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式;the number of意思是“……的数目,……的数量 ”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。如:

A number of people come here on vocation in summer.


The number of the birds is decreasing every year.每年鸟的数量都在递减。

5. a、an特殊位置

(1) 当名词被such,half,what修饰时,不定冠词放在这些词后。如:

I have never seen such a beautiful bird before.我从未见过如此美丽的鸟儿。

He bought half a kilo of pork.


What an amazing flower!


(2) 当名词前面的形容词前有so,how,too等词时,不定冠词应放在形容词后。如:

He is so forgetful a person that you have to remind him of some thing again and again.


How tall a tree it is!这树多高呀!

(3) 当名词前面有形容词quite,rather或very时,不定冠词置于quite和rather之后,very之前。如:

quite an attractive film一部吸引人的电影

rather a lazy guy一个相当懒惰的家伙

a very smart boy一个非常机灵的男孩





【例1】 (2014· 河北·26)Let's take photo! Everyone,cheese!

A. a B. an C. the D.不填

【解析】 考查冠词的用法。“take a photo/photos(拍照)”是固定搭配,句中的photo是泛指。故选A。

【答案】 A

【例2】 (2014· 山东聊城·21)—Daming,what's your dream?

—I want to be engineer some day.

A. a B. an C. the D.不填

【解析】 考查冠词的用法。句中的engineer是泛指以元音音素开头的,应该用不定冠词。故选B。

【答案】 B

【例3】 (2013·吉林·36)Look! There is elephant on the grass. It is playing with a ball.

A. an B. a C. the

【解析】 考查冠词的用法。不定冠词a和an有“一”的意思,表示泛指。根据句意“——看!草地上有一头大象。它在玩球。”可以判断用不定冠词,又由于elephant以元音开头,须用an。所以选择答案A。

【答案】 A



1. (2014·江苏苏州·1)—What cold weather it is in Harbin!

—Yes. It's unusual experience for us because we are used to living in the south.

A./;a B. a;a C./;an D. a;an

2. (2014·上海奉贤区·28)Hurry up! If we miss last bus,we'll have to get home bytaxi.

A. a;/ B. the;a C. the;/ D. a;a

3. (2014·江苏泰州 ·1)There is 8-year-old boy playing Chinese chess with his friend in the classroom.

A. a;/ B. an;/ C. a;the D. an;the

4. (2014· 江苏扬州·1)—Have you seen film cominghome,directed by Zhang Yimou?

—Of course,I have never seen such moving one.

A. the;an B./;a

C. the;a D./;an

5. (2014·江苏江阴·1)Although it seemed to be painful experience,he still found itfun.

A. a;/ B./;a C. a;the D. a;a

6. (2014·安徽合肥·31)He wrote song,which turned out to be rather popular with young.

A. a;a B. a;the C. the;a D./;the

7. (2014·内蒙古赤峰·31)—Where are the students?

—They are playing football with students from Hilltop School.

A. boys;/ B. boy;the

C. boy;/ D. boys;the

8. (2013·北京海淀)Peter is honest boy and good friend of mine.

A. a;the B. the;an C. a;an D. an;a

9. (2013·重庆)—How was dinner at Mike's house?

—It was great. Mike's mum is wonderful cook.

A. a;the B. the;a

C. the;the D. a;an

10. (2013·江西)On April 12,1961,27-year-old Yuri Gagarin(尤里·加加林) became the first human to go into space.

A. the;不填 B. the;the

C. a;不填 D. a;the

11. (2013·浙江杭州)There's apple on the table. apple is for my little brother.

A. a;An B. an;An

C. the;An D. an;The

12. (2013·湖南长沙)There is report in today's newspaper. It's about meeting that will be held in our city.

A. a;the B. an;the

C. the;the D. a;a

13. (2013·上海)—Listen! Someone is playing piano.

—Wow! beautiful music! I like it very much.

A. a;what B. an;How

C. the;What D./;How

14. (2013·湖北)—Do you know man standing there?

—I only know he's from European country.

A. a;an B. the;the

C. the;a D. a;the

15. (2013·广东汕头)—Did you get there by bike?

—No,I took taxi.

A. a;a B.不填;a

C. the;the D. a;the


1. C 解析:考查零冠词和不定冠词的用法。故选C。weather是不可数名词,cold之前不用冠词。应答句中的形容词是元音音素开头,应该用不定冠词an。故选C。

2. C 解析:考查冠词的用法。从句中的bus是特指,应该用定冠词。“by bus(乘公共汽车)”是固定搭配。故选C。

3. B 解析:考查不定冠词和零冠词的用法。“一个8岁的男孩”应该用不定冠词an。“下象棋”名词前不用冠词。故选B。

4. C 解析:考查冠词的用法。“film”是特指,之前应该用定冠词the。应答句中的moving是以辅音因素开头的,应该用不定冠词a。故选C。

5. A 解析:考查不定冠词和零冠词的用法。形容词“painful”是以辅音因素开头的,之前应该用不定冠词a。fun是不可数名词,之前不用冠词。故选A。

6. B 解析:考查冠词的用法。song是第一次提到,应该用不定冠词。young是形容词,之前加定冠词,成为名词,即名词化的形容词。故选B。

7. B 解析:考查名词所有格和冠词的用法。名词boy作定语时,用单数形式,应答句中的students是特指,之前应该用定冠词。故选B。

8. D 解析:考查冠词的用法。a用在以辅音(指辅音音素)开头的词前,an用在以元音(指元音音素)开头的词前。“honest”是以元音音素开头前面应用冠词an,“good”以辅音因素开头前面应用冠词a。句意:彼得是一个诚实的小男孩,并且他是我的好朋友之一。故选D。

9. B 解析:考查冠词的用法。定冠词the用在名词前表特指,不定冠词用在名词前表一类。问句是指麦克家的晚餐,故是特指;答语是说麦克的妈妈是一个极好的厨师,是泛指。a用于辅音音素开头的词前,故选B。

10. A 解析:考查冠词的用法。由句意:在1961年4月12号,27岁的尤里·加加林成为进入太空的第一人。第一个空后的名词属于特指,应该用the,而space作“太空”时一般不用冠词。故选A。

11. D 解析:考查冠词的用法。泛指用不定冠词,apple是元音音素开头的用an;再次提到上文的人或物用定冠词the。故选D。

12. A 解析:考查冠词的用法。report为可数名词单数,这里表示“一”;这里的sports meeting是特指“在我们的城市举行的会议”,故用the。

13. C 解析:考查冠词的用法。在球类运动前,不加任何冠词;在乐器前必须加定冠词the,play the piano “弹钢琴”。第二空是感叹句,其中的music是不可数名词,所以用what来感叹,所以选C。

14. C 解析:考查冠词的用法。句意:你认识站在那里的那个男的吗?——我只知道他来自一个欧洲国家,第一个空后名词是特指,第二个空格是泛指,并且Europe是以辅音因素开头的名词。因此答案选C。

15. B 解析:考查冠词的用法。by直接加交通工具表示方式,take a taxi是固定词组。故选B。


2. satisfied同义词英语?




1. (Are you)kidding?=joking

2. (be)ready=prepared

3. (I wonder) if =whether

4. (I)suppose(认为)=think

5. (in my )opinion=view

6. (rain)hard=heavily

7. (what a )pity(多遗憾啊). =shame

8. a few=some/several

9. a large amount of=much

10. a little later=minute/moment

11. a lot of/lots of/plenty of=many/much

12. about(大约)=around

13. advice=suggestions

14. afraid= frightened/scared

15. almost =nearly

16. ancient=old

17. annoyed =angry

18. as well as=and

19. as(当…时)=when

20. as(因为)=because

21. at times= sometimes

22. at the start of=beginning

23. be amazed at=surprised(对…感到惊奇)

24. be going to=will

25. be happy with(对…感到满意)=pleased/satisfied

26. be over= end

27. become=turn(颜色)/get(温度)

28. call(给…打电话)sb=phone sb

29. called(叫做)=named

30. certain =sure

31. chance(机会) =opportunity

32. classes=lessons

33. clever=wise/smart/bright/intelligent

34. common=ordinary(普通的,平凡的)

35. complete =finish

36. completely=totally(完全地)

37. correct = right

38. delicious=tasty(美味的)

39. die out =disappear

40. difficult =hard

41. dislike= hate

42. don’t have to=needn’t

43. dress(衣服) =clothes

44. earn money=make

45. easy =simple

46. enjoy=like/love

47. every=each

48. exam = test

49. excellent=great/wonderful/fantastic

50. film=movie

51. find out=discover

52. fortunately= luckily

53. friendly=nice/kind

54. funny =interesting

55. gift=present(礼物)

56. glad=happy

57. go on=continue

58. grow sth=plant sth

59. have tea=drink tea

60. have(拥有)= own

61. high=tall

62. huge=big

63. I was deeply moved=touched

64. I'm concerned=worried

65. I’m not expected to do housework.= required/asked

66. in silence=silently

67. ill=sick

68. main=major(主要的)

69. maybe= perhaps

70. method=way

71. mind(脑海)=brain

72. missing(丢失的)=lost

73. more than=over

74. my look =appearance(外表)

75. need=want/require

76. notice=see/find

77. obey (the rule)=follow(遵守)

78. offer sb sth=give

79. on (关于)=about

80. one more =another

81. photos=pictures

82. pick (the right out)=choose

83. place (sth on the desk)=put

84. pleasant=nice

85. quiet=silent

86. rapid=fast

87. recently=lately

88. repair=fix/mend

89. reply (to)=answer

90. rescue=save

91. rich= wealthy

92. sad=unhappy

93. see (the king)=meet

94. seem relaxed=appear

95. serve (food)=provide/offer

96. shout=cry

97. special =unusual(特别的)

98. speech/lecture/conversation/dialogue=talk

99. start(started)=begin(began)

100. study=learn

101. stupid=foolish/silly

102. suggestions =advice

103. sure=certain

104. take place=happen

105. talk about=discuss

106. terrible=awful/bad

107. the sign said=read

108. think about=consider

109. tidy=clean

110. tiny=small

111. trick(sb into doing)=fool

112. trip =journey(旅途)

113. type=kind/sort

114. useful =helpful

115. very =quite/pretty

116. we don’t mind=care(在意)

117. wish (sb to do)=expect

118. would like=want


1. (learn) a lot (about)=much

2. 2 metres tall =2 metres in height

3. a bit of (chinese)= a little

4. a borrow sth from b=b lend sth to a

5. a eat as much as b= a eat the same amount of food as b

6. a little (nervous)=a bit

7. a week later =after a week

8. achieve one’s dream=realize one’s dream/one’s dream come true

9. advise sb to do =suggest sb do sth

10. after a while= a moment later

11. all over (the world)=around/across/throughout

12. almost never=hardly ever

13. always =all the time

14. another five soldiers=five more soldiers

15. any other things= anything else

16. arrive at=reach/get to

17. as a result of=because of

18. as old as=the same age as

19. as well=too/also

20. as…as possible =as…as sb can

21. at present=now/at the present/nowadays

22. awake me=wake me up

23. be bad for=be harmful to

24. be bored with=be tired of

25. be full of =be filled with

26. be interested in= have/show interest in

27. be poor at= be weak in

28. be proud of= take pride in

29. be supposed to= should

30. be unaware of= not know/realize

31. beside=next to

32. besides sth=in addition to

33. between a and b=from a to b

34. break (the rule)=be against the rule

35. can=be able to

36. cause=lead to/result in (引起,导致)

37. consist of= be made up of(由…组成)

38. cross the road=go across the road

39. decide to do=make a decision to do/make up one’s mind to do

40. depend on= rely on

41. do with=deal with(处理)

42. don’t know= have no idea

43. each other =one another

44. enter=come into(有宾语)/come in(无宾语)

45. everyday(日常的)=daily

46. everywhere=here and there

47. expensive=dear

48. famous=well-known

49. favourite =like…best

50. finally=at last/in the end

51. follow sb= go after sb

52. for ten years=since ten years ago

53. give(gave) up =stop

54. go to sleep= fall asleep

55. had better do=it’s best for sb to do

56. happen=take place

57. have a good time =enjoy oneself

58. have trouble doing=have difficulty/problems with sth

59. he didn’t leave until 11.= he didn’t leave before 11./ he left after 11.

60. he is a doctor=he works as a doctor

61. hear from=receive/get a letter from

62. how much is it?=how much does it cost?= what’s its price?=how much do you pay for it?=how much do you spend on it?=how much is it worth?

63. how to spell the word = the spelling of the word

64. immediately=at once/right now/right away

65. improve =make sth better

66. in general=generally speaking(总地来说)

67. instead of =rather than

68. it has 50 rooms.=there are 50 rooms in it.

69. it’s kind of him to do that.= he’s kind to do that

70. It’s dangerous for him to do that.= Doing that is dangerous for him.

71. just(仅仅,只是)=only

72. keep in touch with=communicate with

73. know nobody= don’t know anybody

74. learn sth by heart= remember sth

75. look forward to doing(热切盼望做某事)= can’t wait to do/be dying to do

76. look out=watch out

77. manage to=try to

78. most famous=best-known

79. must=have to

80. no longer= not… any longer

81. not only A, but also B= both A and B

82. on either side of the road= on both sides of the road

83. one another=each other

84. take turns to do(轮流做某事)=do sth one by one=do sth one after another

85. pass (the exam) =not fail the exam

86. pass by= go past

87. play a joke on=laugh at/make fun of

88. prefer A to B=like A better than B

89. prefer to do rather than do=would rather do than do

90. produce=make/create

91. put up (your hand)=raise(举起)

92. return your call=call you back

93. return=go sth back (to sp)/give sth back(to sb)

94. review(复习)=go over

95. seem to do= it seems that

96. set off=start/set out

97. set up= build/establish(建立)

98.should=ought to

99. since I’m a good daughter=because

100. sit down=take a seat/be seated

101. so far= till now(迄今为止)

102. so that= in order that(为了,以便于)

103. solve (解决)(the problem)=work out the problem

104. some=a little/a few(several)

105. something new=some new things

106. soon=in a short time

107.stare at(盯着…看)=fix one’s eyes on

108. sth belong to (属于)me= sth is mine/i am the owner of sth.

109. stick with(坚持把…做完)=continue with

110. stop( sb from doing)= keep/prevent(阻止某人做某事)

111. succeed in doing=be successful in doing/do sth successfully

112. such a tall boy= so tall a boy

113. such as=like

114. take part in=join in

115. taller than any other boy= taller than the other boys

116. teach oneself= learn by oneself(自学)

117. the following pictures= the pictures below(接下来的图片)

118. there is nothing but = there’s only

119. they each are= each of them is

120. think of(想出)=come up with

121. too…to..=so…that sb can’t/ not…enough to…(太…而不能)

122. top (student)=best

123. turn into=change into(转变成)

124. unless = if…not

125. use sth to do = use sth for doing/do…with sth

126. visit= call on sb/call at sp

127. visitor=tourist/traveller

128. walk= go on foot

129. we both=both of us

130. whatever=no matter what(无论…)

131. why not =why don’t you

132. win sth= be the winner of sth

133. with no problems=easily

134. wonder=want to know

3. 穿普拉达的女王英文影评?


"The Devil Wears Prada" is a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining film based on the bestselling novel of the same name. The movie follows the story of Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway), a young aspiring journalist who lands a job as the assistant to Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), the powerful and demanding editor-in-chief of a prestigious fashion magazine.

The film is a witty and insightful commentary on the fashion industry and the cutthroat world of high-end fashion magazines. Streep delivers a powerhouse performance as Miranda, bringing the character to life with her impeccable delivery and commanding presence. Hathaway is also excellent as Andy, capturing the character's transformation from a naive and inexperienced assistant to a confident and capable young woman.

The film is beautifully shot and features stunning fashion designs and locations. The supporting cast, including Emily Blunt and Stanley Tucci, is also excellent, adding depth and humor to the story.

Overall, "The Devil Wears Prada" is a must-see film that will delight fashionistas and non-fashionistas alike. It's a smart, funny, and engaging film that offers a glimpse into the glamorous and often ruthless world of high-end fashion.

4. so和very的区别?


一般so在so that句型,还有疑问否定句中居多;而very用法很多,只要是非常,都可以用这个词,如very big,very good。


如:Bruno Mars is very smart guy.


He's so nice.;I'm so hungry!




You are so very funny!

5. 索尼电视应用整理?



6. 不仅而且的高级表达词?

not only…but also…意为:“不但…而且…”,是并列连词,可以连接两个词,也可连接两个句子。


not only…but also…可以连接句中所有的成分,连接并列主语时,其谓语动词根据就近原则,与所靠近的成分保持数的一致。例如:Not only the students but (also) their teacher is enjoying the movie.和He can speak not only French but (also) English.


not only…but also…可以连接两个句子,not only位于句首时,not only后的句子要倒装。例如:Not only is he a scientist, but he is also a fighter.

7. 语音有延迟是什么问题啊?


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